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Cumulative metrics

Cumulative metrics aggregate a measure over a given accumulation window. If no window is specified, the window is considered infinite and accumulates values over all time. You will need to create a time spine model before you add cumulative metrics.

Cumulative metrics are useful for calculating things like weekly active users, or month-to-date revenue. The parameters, description, and types for cumulative metrics are:


Note that we use the double colon (::) to indicate whether a parameter is nested within another parameter. So for example, measure::name means the name parameter is nested under measure.


nameThe name of the metric.Required
descriptionThe description of the metric.Optional
typeThe type of the metric (cumulative, derived, ratio, or simple).Required
labelRequired string that defines the display value in downstream tools. Accepts plain text, spaces, and quotes (such as orders_total or "orders_total").Required
type_paramsThe type parameters of the metric. Supports nested parameters indicated by the double colon, such as type_params::measure.Required
type_params::cumulative_type_paramsAllows you to add a window, period_agg, and grain_to_date configuration. Nested under type_params.Optional
cumulative_type_params::windowThe accumulation window, such as 1 month, 7 days, 1 year. This can't be used with grain_to_date.Optional
cumulative_type_params::grain_to_dateSets the accumulation grain, such as month, which will accumulate data for one month and then restart at the beginning of the next. This can't be used with window.Optional
cumulative_type_params::period_aggSpecifies how to aggregate the cumulative metric when summarizing data to a different granularity. Can be used with grain_to_date. Options are
- first (Takes the first value within the period)
- last (Takes the last value within the period
- avg (Calculates the average value within the period).

Defaults to first if no window is specified.
type_params::measureA dictionary describing the measure you will use.Required
measure::nameThe measure you are referencing.Optional
measure::fill_nulls_withSet the value in your metric definition instead of null (such as zero).Optional
measure::join_to_timespineBoolean that indicates if the aggregated measure should be joined to the time spine table to fill in missing dates. Default false.Optional

Complete specification

The following displays the complete specification for cumulative metrics, along with an example:

- name: The metric name # Required
description: The metric description # Optional
type: cumulative # Required
label: The value that will be displayed in downstream tools # Required
type_params: # Required
period_agg: first # Optional. Defaults to first. Accepted values: first|last|avg
window: The accumulation window, such as 1 month, 7 days, 1 year. # Optional. It cannot be used with grain_to_date.
grain_to_date: Sets the accumulation grain, such as month will accumulate data for one month, then restart at the beginning of the next. # Optional. It cannot be used with window.
name: The measure you are referencing. # Required
fill_nulls_with: Set the value in your metric definition instead of null (such as zero). # Optional
join_to_timespine: true/false # Boolean that indicates if the aggregated measure should be joined to the time spine table to fill in missing dates. Default `false`. # Optional

Cumulative metrics example

Cumulative metrics measure data over a given window and consider the window infinite when no window parameter is passed, accumulating the data over all time.

The following example shows how to define cumulative metrics in a YAML file. In this example, we define three cumulative metrics:

  • cumulative_order_total: Calculates the cumulative order total over all time. Uses type params to specify the measure order_total to be aggregated.

  • cumulative_order_total_l1m: Calculates the trailing 1-month cumulative order total. Uses cumulative_type_params to specify a window of 1 month.

  • cumulative_order_total_mtd: Calculates the month-to-date cumulative order total, respectively. Uses cumulative_type_params to specify a grain_to_date of month.


- name: cumulative_order_total
label: Cumulative order total (All-Time)
description: The cumulative value of all orders
type: cumulative
name: order_total

- name: cumulative_order_total_l1m
label: Cumulative order total (L1M)
description: Trailing 1-month cumulative order total
type: cumulative
name: order_total
window: 1 month

- name: cumulative_order_total_mtd
label: Cumulative order total (MTD)
description: The month-to-date value of all orders
type: cumulative
name: order_total
grain_to_date: month

Granularity options

Use the period_agg parameter with first(), last(), and avg() functions to aggregate cumulative metrics over the requested period. This is because granularity options for cumulative metrics are different than the options for other metric types.

  • For other metrics, we use the date_trunc function to implement granularity.
  • However, cumulative metrics are non-additive (values can't be added up), so we can't use the date_trunc function to change their time grain granularity.
  • By default, we take the first value of the period. You can change this by specifying a different function using the period_agg parameter.

In the following example, we define a cumulative metric, cumulative_revenue, that calculates the cumulative revenue for all orders:

- name: cumulative_revenue
description: The cumulative revenue for all orders.
label: Cumulative revenue (all-time)
type: cumulative
measure: revenue
period_agg: first # Optional. Defaults to first. Accepted values: first|end|avg

In this example, period_agg is set to first, which chooses the first value for the selected granularity window. To query cumulative_revenue by week, use the following query syntax:

  • dbt sl query --metrics cumulative_revenue --group-by metric_time__week
 Expand toggle to view how the SQL compiles

Window options

This section details examples of when to specify and not to specify window options.

  • When a window is specified, MetricFlow applies a sliding window to the underlying measure, such as tracking weekly active users with a 7-day window.
  • Without specifying a window, cumulative metrics accumulate values over all time, useful for running totals like current revenue and active subscriptions.
 Example of window specified
 Example of window not specified

Grain to date

You can choose to specify a grain to date in your cumulative metric configuration to accumulate a metric from the start of a grain (such as week, month, or year). When using a window, such as a month, MetricFlow will go back one full calendar month. However, grain to date will always start accumulating from the beginning of the grain, regardless of the latest date of data.

For example, let's consider an underlying measure of order_total.

- name: order_total
agg: sum

We can compare the difference between a 1-month window and a monthly grain to date.

  • The cumulative metric in a window approach applies a sliding window of 1 month
  • The grain to date by month resets at the beginning of each month.
- name: cumulative_order_total_l1m # For this metric, we use a window of 1 month
label: Cumulative order total (L1M)
description: Trailing 1-month cumulative order amount
type: cumulative
measure: order_total
window: 1 month # Applies a sliding window of 1 month
- name: cumulative_order_total_mtd # For this metric, we use a monthly grain-to-date
label: Cumulative order total (MTD)
description: The month-to-date value of all orders
type: cumulative
measure: order_total
grain_to_date: month # Resets at the beginning of each month
period_agg: first # Optional. Defaults to first. Accepted values: first|last|avg

Cumulative metric with grain to date:

- name: orders_last_month_to_date
label: Orders month to date
type: cumulative
measure: order_count
grain_to_date: month
 Expand toggle to view how the SQL compiles

SQL implementation example

To calculate the cumulative value of the metric over a given window, join the timespine table using the primary time dimension. Use the accumulation window in the join to decide which days to include in the calculation.

To implement cumulative metrics, refer to the SQL code example:

count(distinct distinct_users) as weekly_active_users,
from (
subq_3.distinct_users as distinct_users,
subq_3.metric_time as metric_time
from (
subq_2.distinct_users as distinct_users,
subq_1.metric_time as metric_time
from (
from transform_prod_schema.mf_time_spine subq_1356
where (
metric_time >= cast('2000-01-01' as timestamp)
) and (
metric_time <= cast('2040-12-31' as timestamp)
) subq_1
inner join (
distinct_users as distinct_users,
date_trunc('day', ds) as metric_time
from demo_schema.transactions transactions_src_426
where (
(date_trunc('day', ds)) >= cast('1999-12-26' as timestamp)
) AND (
(date_trunc('day', ds)) <= cast('2040-12-31' as timestamp)
) subq_2
subq_2.metric_time <= subq_1.metric_time
) and (
subq_2.metric_time > dateadd(day, -7, subq_1.metric_time)
) subq_3
group by
limit 100;


If you specify a window in your cumulative metric definition, you must include metric_time as a dimension in the SQL query. This is because the accumulation window is based on metric time. For example,

count(distinct subq_3.distinct_users) as weekly_active_users,
from (
subq_2.distinct_users as distinct_users,
subq_1.metric_time as metric_time
group by